Permanent & Transitional Housing
Permanent & Transitional Housing
We house youth in need, both long-term and short-term, through the following programs:
Extended Host Home Program
Chrysalis House
New Beginning House
The Arnett House – LGBTQ and trafficked homeless youth
Transitional Living Program apartments and Rapid Rehousing Program
The Transitional Living Program
The Transitional Living Program (TLP) at The Center for Youth delivers case management and/or housing services to youth who are living in unstable conditions or who are homeless. The goal of the program is to help young men and women, 16-21, become self-sufficient and transition into stable housing. The Center is welcoming to all youth and strives to provide services that are respectful of the many cultural, ethnic, religious, and GLBT identities youth represent. TLP includes:
Chrysalis House
The Chrysalis House provides a beautiful living environment for young women who may be pregnant or have children for up to 18 months. The program has the capacity to serve six mothers with two additional beds for young women who are pregnant or who do not have children. We guide each woman as she assesses her needs and develops a plan to reach goals for self-sufficiency. The residents are actively involved in seeking educational programs and vocational and employment opportunities. Chrysalis House is a place where young mothers can make transformational decisions that positively impact themselves and their children under the guidance and support of a dedicated and nurturing staff.
The Transitional Living Program apartments provide safe housing for both young men and women. Each resident develops goals and carries out a plan to become independent. On a weekly basis, residents meet with their case managers and also attend life-skills workshops. Young people in non-residential TLP meet with their case managers twice a month to develop and achieve goals for independence.
All TLP services provide case management services, which include:
Advocacy: Case managers help clients navigate the systems such as the Department of Health and Human Services, other agencies and programs and Social Security. Case managers help clients communicate with professionals to overcome social and cultural barriers.
Life Skills: Case managers provide clients with skills such as budgeting, time management, developing short- and long-term goals and communication.
Resources: The Chrysalis House and Residential programs provide bus passes and grocery gift cards on a regular basis to participants who do not already receive these via other means. Case managers connect non-residential clients to community resources to fulfill their needs.
Empowerment: Case managers provide clients with tools (life skills) and resources, so they can feel confident, knowledgeable and capable of success.
Encouragement: Through regular meetings, case managers encourage and motivate clients to work on their goals and focus on the individual steps required to achieve goals. Goals might include graduating from high school, passing the GED and preparing for and gaining employment.
Agency Resources and Services: Case managers connect their clients to any appropriate services at The Center for Youth or other agencies so that clients are supported and have access to the services they need.
New Beginning House
The Center opened the New Beginning House in 2015 to provide housing and comprehensive supports to young men who may have been homeless or disconnected from traditional supports. The independent living residence aides them on their journeys toward self-sufficiency while helping them strengthen permanent connections with family and community.
Who We Serve
The multi-unit house serves six young men, 18-21, with two residents living in each apartment. The young men are finishing high school or vocational program, preparing to take their Test Assessing Secondary Completion (formerly the GED), and/or seeking employment.
Services Provided
- Case Management
- Counseling Services
- Life-Skills Training
- Referrals to Health Care and Mental Health Resources
- Job-Readiness Training
- Community Services Opportunities
- Prevention Education
- Aftercare Follow-Up Services
Most young men will stay for up to six months but will have the opportunity to stay longer if they are in the process of finishing high school.
The New Beginning House program prepares young men to live on their own, reengages them in the community and empowers them to make healthy, educated life choices.
LGBTQ Youth Homelessness
Through a continuum of support, education and advocacy, The Center for Youth has been working to address homelessness and reduce victimization of Rochester youth for over 45 years. Our youth-driven approach meets the needs of our area’s most vulnerable by setting them on a course for stability and self-sufficiency.
Youth susceptible to homelessness most-often identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Queer (LGBTQ). Each year, 1.6 million youth experience homelessness. Up to 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ, yet only make up 7% of the general youth population – these numbers are disproportionately high. The disparity of homeless LGBTQ youth is troubling – they are at greater risk for victimization, sex trafficking, unsafe sexual practices, mental health issues and more.
LGBTQ youth homelessness occurs for a variety of reasons, including the intersection of homophobia & transphobia, poverty, failed systems, family poverty & abuse and more.
The Center for Youth provides emergency shelters, transitional & permanent housing, referrals, advocacy and more. And just as we’ve done for over 45 years, we stand by the side of our LGBTQ youth, ensuring a solid foundation for each young person to achieve their goals.
Download the Arnett House information sheet
Host Homes
The Host Home Program is comprised of Individuals or families that provide a home-based emergency and/or longer-term housing option for young pregnant or parenting people in our community, ages 16 – 22. Intensive, wrap-around services are provided to each youth accessing the Host Home Program by a Center for Youth Case Manager. Each Host Home Individual/Family is provided on-going training and supports by the Host Home Program Manager.
This program was introduced to provide greater opportunity for youth and Host Home Families to build supportive and authentic connections in order to increase the permanency and resiliency of these young parents. The Host Homes are voluntary for both the families and the youth at all times and are connected to the broader continuum of Center for Youth Services and ensures that homeless youth have access to a licensed, voluntary home environment, quality crisis childcare services, academic support and workforce development training – all under one umbrella.
Two Types of Host Home Services
- Immediate Host: Short-term emergency beds for stays up to 14 days, but as short as one night.
- Longer-term Host: This is a longer-term model of hosting a pregnant or parenting young person.
CYS operates Chrysalis House, the only transitional housing program for homeless teen mothers in our county. It is considered a Maternity Group Home Program (MGH), a 6-bed group home and Case Management model so that pregnant and parenting homeless young mothers can receive the support, guidance and opportunities they need to develop self-assurance in order to create healthy, successful lives.
Contact us for More Info
Need help now? Call our crisis line.
24 Hour Crisis Line
Use the form below if you don’t have access to a phone, or have a non-urgent message:
- 905 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620
- Open Mon-Fri: 8AM–9PM
- 585-473-2464