Fashion Week of Rochester at Arbor Midtown
Join us for Fashion Week of Rochester at Arbor Midtown this May 16th and 17th. Doors open at 6:00pm and the show starts at 7:30pm each night.
The Thursday, May 16th show supports our Arnett House, a transitional living center for youth identified as LGBTQ+ and young ones who are victims of sex trafficking.
The Friday, May 17th show is in support of our larger emergency shelter and the younger young ages 12 – 17 years facing housing instability.
The Center is now the only local agency providing homeless support for youth in a crisis in the moment with no place to go. The proceeds from FWR 2024 will help insure that youth who are facing such trauma and despair will find a safe place.
Tickets are on sale at fashionweekofrochester.org.