We Stand With Black Lives Matter

Racism in America is like dust in the air. It seems invisible – even if you are choking on it – until you let the sun in. As long as we keep shining that light, we have a chance at cleaning it wherever it lands.” – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

For nearly 50 years, The Center for Youth has strived to create inclusive, safe environments for all youth that enter our doors. Each year, we serve thousands of youth who identify as Black or Latinx, and we have found that no matter the youth’s individual circumstance, the ever-present undercurrent of racism and discrimination jeopardize their futures daily. Our staff are often behind the scenes attempting to influence the systems that disproportionately impact our youth, yet, we now must take an ever more visible and active stance to help create what Martin Luther King Jr. called a Beloved Community.

The Center for Youth staff, Board of Directors, volunteers and friends remain steadfast in lifting up and supporting young people, by envisioning a world where all youth grow and thrive in an equitable and beloved community.

We stand with our youth, our staff, and our community.
We will say their names.
We will not forget.
We will be the light.

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